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Monday, May 26, 2008
Insertion problem with ASP.NET AccessDataSource
The work around is just remove the ID column from the insert command and remove a parameter('?') from the query parameter list. Also remove the ID column info from the insert command parameter collection.
Then you will find its working fine.
Testing Terminology
I think every developer should be familiar with some software testing terminologies, especially different methods of testing. You may have heard about White Box Testing, Black Box Testing, Unit Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing etc. If you don’t want to spend much time after this but feeling interest to know about then visit the following link. Its a very simple and short article.
If you wanna dig more then search google.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mounting NTFS partition in Debian
Currently Debian doesn’t support mounting NTFS partition in read/write mode. You can only mount in read only mode.
To mount in read/write mode you have to install third party package/driver. NTFS-3G is the favorite one.
Here is the detail info.